Pasta with Winter Greens & Red Pepper

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1 lb. penne pasta
7 Tbs. x-virgin olive oil
1/4 c. Italian-seasoned bread crumbs
1 medium onion, finely diced
3 large cloves garlic, pressed
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 lb. fresh leaf spincah, cut in ribbons
Salt to taste

Cook pasta. Drain thoroughly. Toss with 1 Tb. of oil & set aside. Heat 2 Tbs. of the oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add bread crumbs & stir until crisp & brown, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a small dish. Wipe out skillet with a paper towel. Reduce heat to low & heat remaining 4 Tbs. oil. Add onion, garlic & red pepper flakes
cook gently until soft, 6-7 minutes. Add spinach & salt to taste
cook & stir until wilted, 1-2 minutes. Toss pasta with onion mixture. Serve & sprinkle with crumbs. 507 cal, 26g fat, 0 chol, 116mg sod

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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