Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes & Broccoli

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1/2 lb. cut pasta
2 c. broccoli, in bite-size pieces
1 Tb. olive oil
1 Tb. safflower oil
2 clove garlic, minced
Hot pepper flakes to taste
2 c. fresh plum tomatoes, sliced in wedges
4 Tbs. chopped fresh basil
2 Tbs. finely chopped Italian parsley for garnish

Cook pasta. Steam broccoli. Heat oils in a medium skillet. Add garlic, hot pepper flakes, & tomatoes. Cook over high heat for several minutes, stirring often. Add basil, cover & simmer. When broccoli is tender, add to sauce. Continue cookin pasta til al dente, then drain & mix with the sauce. Serves 4 to 5.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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