Sweet Empaniditas

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1/2 c. raisins
1/2 c. apple juice
2 Tbs. packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. grated lemon peel
1 1/2 tsps. cornstarch
1/2 c. tart apple
1/4 c. finely chopped walnuts
1 Tb. lemon juice
Pastry for 2 crust, 9 inch pie
Beaten egg, for glaze
Granulated sugar

In saucepan, combine raisins, apple juice, sugar, cinnamon, cloves & peel. Boil, reduce heat & simmer 5 minutes. Dissolve cornstarch in 2 Tbs. cold water
stir into raisin mixture with apple & walnuts. Cook & stir until thickened, 1-2 minutes. Stir in lemon juice
cool. Roll out pastry 1/8" thick on floured surface. Cut into 12 rounds with 4" cutter, rerolling dough as needed. Place rounded Tb. of filling in center of circles
fold pastry in half over filling to enclose. Press edges with tines of fork to seal. Prick tops with fork, if desired, decorate tops with small shapes cut with canape cutters from remaining dough. Brush with beaten egg
sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake on ungreased baking sheets at 375 for 10 minutes or until golden. Cool on wire racks. Makes 1 dozen.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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