Ablekage (Apple Cake)

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2 c. well-crumbled coconut or almond macaroons (the soft ones)
8 Tbs. butter
1 c. heavy cream
2 Tbs. sugar
2 c. peeled & coarsely chopped eating apples
1/2 c. raspberry jam, thinned with water if necessary

Saute the coconut in butter over low heat, tossing constatnly, just long enough for them to absorb the butter. Remove from heat & contnue to stir & toss so they don't stick together. Let cool.. Whip cream with sugar until stiff. In a 2 quart bowl, arragne alternating layers of coconut, apple slivers & whipped cream, making 2 layers of each. Swirl half the jam into each layer of cream. Serves 6. 540 cal, 38 g fat, 95 mg chol, 183 mg sod


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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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