Ice Cream Cassata

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1/2 c. raisins
3 Tbs. dark rum
2 pints raspberry sorbet
5 oz. semisweet chocolate
2 pints vanilla ice cream
2 pints pistachio ice cream
1 c. heavy cream
2 Tbs. butter
2/3 c. sugar
Whipped cream for decoration

Heat raisins & 2 Tbs. of rum in a saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat & cover. When plump, uncover & cool to room temperature. Soften sorbet & pack evenly in a 9" springform pan. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes. Grate 1 oz. chocolate. Soften vanilla ice cream & mix in raisins with rum & grated chocolate. Pack on top of sorbet, smooth top & freeze at least 30 minutes. Soften pistachio ice cream. Pack on top of vanilla ice cream & smooth top. Freeze until solid, at least 2 hours. Chop remaining chocolate. Combine with cream, butter, & sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Stir until chocolate has melted & sugar has dissolved. Remove sauce from heat, stir in remaining 1 Tb. rum & let sauce cool. Pipe whipped cream around edge of cassata. Drizzle top with sauce & pass the rest separately. Serves 12. 467 cal, 5 g pro, 23 g fat, 93 mg sod, 63 g carb, 72 mg chol.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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