Cinnamon Ice Cream

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3 c. heavy whipping cream
1 c. milk
3/4 c. granulated sugar
1 whole vanilla bean, halved lengthwise
2 tsps. ground cinnamon
4 egg yolks
3" cinnamon sticks, for garnish

Heat cream, milk, sugar, vanilla bean & ground cinnamon in a heavy saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves & mixture is hot. Remove from heat. Remove vanilla bean carefully & scrape seeds from the bean back into cream mixture. Whisk egg yolks in a bowl. Slowly add 1 c. cream mixture into yolks, whisking constantly until smooth. Slowly pour egg mixture back into cream mixture, whisking constantly. Place saucepan back over medium heat
stirring constantly, cook for 10-15 minutes, until mixture thickens. Do not boil. Chill to form a custard. Pour custard into bowl of an ice cream machine
freeze according to manufacturer's directions. To serve, place a cinnamon stick in the top of each scoop. Yield: 1 quart (serves 6)

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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