Chocolate Cashew Spread

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2 oz semi-sweet chocolate, cut up
1 c roasted unsalted cashews or toasted blanced almonds
1/4 c butter, cut up

In a small heavy saucepan melt chocolate over low heat, stirring constanly til chocolate begins to melt. Immediately remove the chocolate from heat
stir til smooth. Cool slightly. Place nuts in a food processor bowl or blender container. Cover and process or blend til nuts are very finely chopped, stopped and scrapping the sides if necessary. Add butter
process or blend til nearly smooth. Transfer mixture to a bowl, stir in melted chocolate. Serve at room temperature to spread on croissants, muffins, or biscuits. Makes 1 c.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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