Pasta with Scallops

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1 lb. sea scallops
1 1/3 c. vegetable oil
1 shallot, peeled, minced
1 tsp. fresh ginger, minced
1 c. soy sauce
3/4 c. oyster sauce
1 lemon, juiced
1 package enoki mushrooms
12 oz. fresh black pasta
12 oz. fresh white pasta
1 red pepper, minced
1 yellow pepper, minced
4 Tbs. minced chives
2 oz. red caviar
1 bunch red oak leaf lettuce
1 cherry tomato for garnish

In a skillet, quickly half cook scallops & shallots in 1/3 c. oil & finish with 1/3 c. oyster sauce, minced ginger, soy sauce & lemon juice. Set scallops to cool in the refrigerator. Cook pasta. Cool & drain well. Remove cooking juices from the scallops & blend with remaining oyster sauce & remaining 1 c. salad oil. Mix peppers & chives with pasta. Arrange pasta in middle of plate in a nest. Place scallops in a semicircular pattern on half of the plates alternating with a 3" length of fresh chives. Garnish each scallop with 1 red slamon caviar egg. Decorate the plates at 12 o'clock with red oak leaf lettuce, enoki mushrooms & a cherry tomato. Serve well chilled. Makes 4 servings.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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