Pear Custard Tarts

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4 Bosc pears
Cookie Tart Shells
4 c. water
Orange Glaze, optional
1 c. sugar
2 tsps. grated orange peel, divided
1 cinnamon stick
3 Tbs. sugar
4 tsps. cornstarch
1 c. milk
1 egg, beaten
Cookie Tart Shells:
1 1/2 c. vanilla cookie crumbs
1/2 c. chopped nuts
1/2 c. butter , softened

Pare pears & cut out core from blossom end leaving stem intact. Beginning 1" from stem, cut lengthwise slashes, cutting through to center of pear. Combine water, sugar, 1 Tb. orange peel & cinnamon stick in large saucepan
bring to boil. Add pears & gently simmer 8-10 minutes or until pears are tender. Drain pears, reserving 1 c. of syrup for optional glaze. Combine sugar, cornstarch & remaining orange peel in saucepan
stir in milk & bring to boil over med high heat. Stir small amount of hot mixture into egg
return egg mixture to milk mixture. Cook & stir until thickened. Cool. Pour about 1/4 c. into bottom of each prepared tart shell. Place 1 pear on each tart
brush with Orange Glaze. Makes 4 servings. To make Cookie Tart Shells: Blend together cookie crumbs, nuts & butter. Press into 4" tart pans with removable bottoms. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes or until golden. Cool. Makes 4 tart shells. To make Orange Glaze: Blend 1 Tb. cornstarch with 1 c. reserved poaching syrup. Bring to boil over med high heat, cook & stir until thickened. Makes 1 c.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 4, 1999 1:04 PM.

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