Skaarup's Eggnog Fudge

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Butter-flavored nonstick spray
1 cup eggnog (full strength --- no "lite" eggnogs)
3 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups mini-marshmallows
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 cup ( 1/4 stick) butter or margarine, chilled
6 ounces white chips or 6 ounces butterscotch chips
1 cup chopped almonds (optional)

Stylist Mary Ann Clayton used marshmallow creme for this recipe and deemed it her favorite of all that she tested. Keep it on hand if you find yourself with some leftover eggnog from that holiday party. Line a 9-inch square pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Spray sides of a large saucepan with butter-flavored nonstick spray. Heat eggnog and sugar at medium setting. Bring to a rolling boil while stirring continually with a wooden spoon. Boil for 2 full minutes by the clock. Keep the heat turned down to the lowest setting that will maintain the boil. Stir occasionally to keep the mixture from boiling over or burning. Fold in marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg
the boil will probably stop until the marshmallows completely dissolve. Bring mixture back to a rolling boil for another 6 full minutes by the clock (start timing once the boil resumes). Stir constantly. The mixture will start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture, turn down the heat a little. Remove from the heat and add the butter, chips and nuts. Stir like crazy until thoroughly mixed or until fudge starts to lose its glossy appearance. Pour into prepared pan. At this point you may want to sprinkle a little nutmeg on the surface. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil and cut into 1-inch squares. Makes 36 pieces --- From Ted Skaarup Per piece (without almonds): 128 calories (percent of calories from fat, 31), less than 1 gram protein, 22 grams carbohydrates, trace fiber, 4 grams fat, 4 milligrams cholesterol, 39 milligrams sodium.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 8, 2000 11:22 AM.

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