Date Nut Roll

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2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup milk
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla

An "opera fudge" recipe, according to Fannie Farmer. In a saucepan, cook sugar, cream and milk to 236 degrees on a candy thermometer, stirring occasionally to prevent burning and boiling over. Stir in dates, nuts and vanilla. Cool in pan or pour out on a marble slab. When cool enough to handle, about 150 degrees, work with a paddle or spatula until creamy. Form into 3 rolls about 1 1/2 inches in diameter and wrap tightly in waxed paper or plastic wrap and chill. When firm, slice into 1/4-inch discs and store in a tightly covered container. --- From "Candy Cookbook" by Mildred Brand Per piece: 55 calories (percent of calories from fat, 43), less than 1 gram protein, 8 grams carbohydrates, less than 1 gram fiber, 3 grams fat, 5 milligrams cholesterol, 3 milligrams sodium.

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This page contains a single entry by Kathy published on December 8, 2000 11:36 AM.

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