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Pesto Recipe

A few people have asked me for my pesto recipe so here it is:

2 cups basil (tightly packed)
1/3-1/2 cup toasted pine nuts
3 large garlic cloves
1/4-1/3 cup olive oil (I use closer to 1/3)
1/2-1 cup parmesan (I use closer to 1/2)

In a food processor, puree the garlic and pine nuts. Then add the basil and some of the olive oil. Then add the parmesan cheese and more of the olive oil, until it gets to the consistency you like. I stop when it's a moist paste, but not too oily. Adjust the parmesan amount to your taste, and add salt & pepper to taste. The garlic will come through real strong at first, but it will mellow after a day or two. You can put it in a container, put oil on top of it and it will keep quite a while in the frig. You can also freeze it (without the oil on top).


Comments (1)



Sounds great out there. I don't know if you remember, but I lived in Sun Valley/Ketchum for a year, and traffic in the summer is pretty odd. By the way, I am going to be in Utah the third week of August, where will you be then?


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