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Colorado or Bust

I left Idaho early Thursday morning and settled in for a long 2 days of driving. Driving through Ketchum/Sun Valley, Idaho there was a long line of cars going the other way, even at 7:30am. I felt like I was going the wrong way and I was missing something, but happy not to be in the traffic. I never did figure out what all those people were doing going to Ketchum that early in the morning on a weekday. The drive through eastern Idaho and northwestern Utah was pretty boring. I know 2 areas I don't want to live. Instead of taking the interstate through southern Wyoming, another one of those places not to live, I opted for the scenic route and headed to Park City, UT. I only stayed a few hours, long enough to get Abbey out a bit and to find a coffee shop with internet access to check email. It seemed pretty nice, though fairly touristy. I managed to find a state campground on a reservoir a few hours east, just before you get to Colorado. It was kind of a strange campground, but it was cheap and not an RV park, and I was tired of driving. Abbey got riled up by all the rabbits running around the grounds. She wasn't happy that I wouldn't let her chase them.

On Friday, we headed out again and got to drive through Dinosaur, CO, the gateway to Dinosaur National Monument. Sounds like a great place to take kids, but we didn't stop. We made it to Steamboat Springs by noon, another nice ski town. Unfortunately, it was mobbed with people but we still managed to do a short hike to a waterfall. We didn't go too far cause it was real hot. We eventually made it to the Gibbons' house in Loveland around 6 or so.

Dan and I got up early Sat. morning and headed up in the mountains. He chose a trail to the top of Signal Mt. Not a real popular trail, we were about the only ones on it, but it was pretty nice. It was long and steep and we were real tired by the time we finished, but the views from the top and along the way were worth it. It was also nice not to have any crowds. It was the longest hike (almost 12 miles) with the highest elevation gain (3300 ft.) I've done so far. Abbey stayed behind since it was so hot. Since tomorrow is Sunday, I think we'll rest and I'll take Abbey for a walk around the local lake.
Longs Peak - highest peak in Colorado
View of the Mummy Range


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 17, 2005 4:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Sawtooth Lake.

The next post in this blog is Pesto Recipe.

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