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Recovery Week

Abbey had another setback this week. I was only walking on a hike/bike path in the neighborhood and she started limping again. I took her to the vets on Thursday. He said he thinks she just strained it so he gave me some anti-inflamatories to give her and said to rest her for a week or 2. So she's been resting and I've been catching up on some shopping, doing tax stuff, getting the oil changed and other fun stuff. I did go down to Santa Cruz on Thursday to see a chiropractor and Abbey and I checked out the beach. Then we met Steve, Mimi and Dennis at the Crow's Nest, a nice restaurant on the beach. Dan Gibbons, a good friend I worked with at IBM in Kingston, was also in town and met us down there as well. Poor Abbey got stuck in the RV for the evening, but I did feed her first. Friday night, William and Nellie Leong and their kids came over for dinner. We all knew them from Austin, but they moved out here several years ago. We had a real nice time catching up with them.

I've also enjoyed their hot tub a few times, but it's almost time to move on. Sunday I'm going to go into San Francisco for the day to see Tom Masino and his family. He's an old friend of my brother's who grew up in our neighborhood. Then we're moving on up the coast north of San Francisco for a few days.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 3, 2005 10:36 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Food and a Recipe.

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