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The Kupecs in San Jose

I know you're probably wondering after my last post, so I'll let you know right away. Abbey made a miraculous recovery and her leg looks much better today. She's almost back to the way she was a few days ago. We're at the Kupecs now and their house in San Jose. They aren't here, but they left plenty of food and beer, and the pool and hot tub are ready to go so we're in great shape. And Trader Joe's is only a few miles away. What more do we need? We arrived yesterday when Mimi and Steve were still here. An old friend of theirs, Dennis, who also worked in my group at IBM, came over for dinner last night and brought some great locally brewed beer. As usual with the Kupecs, I ate and drank too much. But I didn't have to drive and I'm just hanging out and catching up on some things (like this blog) so it didn't really matter. We'll be hanging out here for a while, getting some stuff done on the RV (yea, I already broke a couple of minor things), restocking and probably taking a few day trips in the Bay area. Sorry, no new pics today. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Comments (4)


I'm glad Abbey is ok. I've been wondering if she was going to hold up with all of these hikes, swims, and snow rolls. Clyde and Stout (our dogs) are jealous.

maribeth embras:

Sounds like you are having a good time. What happened to Abby? School will be out soon but not soon enough.

Joe and I are considering getting an rv when we retire in 2 years and sell the house.

Keep in touch bro.

Chip Block:

I hear that beer sales in the Western US has picked up, any clue why?

Chris Macica:

Absolutely awesome photos of the National Forest! We're finally getting around to landscaping the front of the house and thinking about planting some trees......


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2005 11:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Land of the Giants.

The next post in this blog is Recovery Week.

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