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On The Road (Finally)

Hi all,

For those of you I haven't talked to in a while, I sold my house on 4/25 and headed out on the road. I bought an RV in Tucson and had to pick it up by 4/30. After 5 straight days of driving, Abbey and I picked up our new home on 4/29, with the help of my friend DeeAnne. We stayed in a state park near Tucson the first night, and in the Gila Wilderness in New Mexico the 2nd night for our first adventure. The RV is a 24' Itasca Spirit. It's a class C if that means anything to any of you. It has quite a bit of room, though much smaller than our previous house. Abbey seems to have taken to it
rather easily and she's already found her bed under the dinette.

We're hanging out at DeeAnne's in Albuquerque for a week or so to get situated, get stocked up on stuff and to try and get the RV registered so I can stop worrying about driving around with an expired temporary tag. After that, I'm not real sure where we're headed, but probably west from here towards Arizona and then California. If you're out west don't be surprised if you get an email or phone call from me someday saying I'll be in town. I would love to see as many of you as I can.

The best way to get in contact with me is through email or cell phone. I am
using a mail forwarding service, but it wont' be real fast.

I've attached a few pictures. Hope you like them.

Take care and keep in touch,

themove.JPG The move
firstcamp1.JPG First Camp
abbeysbed.JPG Abbey's Bed

Comments (3)

Space John:

Please make sure to call us when/if you swing your road warrior through LA. Write a book about your experiences on your journey - you'll never have to work again.
--- John


There will be some great poker games in the last week of July on the Florida panhandle (uh... east coast) w/ our clan. Plenty of room at the table for you and Abbey! -Jeb


Ed, I want to be your dog!! ;-)


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