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On My (our) Own

Well yesterday, Friday the 13th, I headed out on my own from Albuquerque and left the security of DeeAnne's home behind. Most of the last 2 weeks I've spent getting things for the RV and life on the road. I still don't have my RV registered, but hopefully it will be before I get pulled over. We did manage to get away last weekend to a state park north of Santa Fe and take a few short hikes. And we managed to see a bit of Albuquerque besides Walmart, Target, Big Lots and Whole Foods.

But now Abbey and I have started the next part of our journey. I'm not sure who's more nervous, she or I. After taking a look at some of the places we might stop in the next few weeks though, I started to get excited. Our first stop was Heron Lake State Park in northern New Mexico. It wasn't any place special, but it was quiet and peaceful. Until, that is, some other campers pulled in around 10pm and started to set up in the dark. They didn't keep me up, though, and their country music in the morning didn't bother me either. I celebrated my first night alone on the road with a cold beer and some chips and salsa for happy hour. Then I had some wine with dinner. Living in this thing isn't exactly roughing it. We headed out in the morning for a nice hike along the Rio Chama. We had to cross the river on a suspension bridge and then the trail climbed to the top of the canyon. We only did a small part of the trail, but we still got some nice views. Saw an amazing rock slide (see picture) that looked pretty fresh. I was glad not to be there when that huge rock came crashing down.

Now we're spending the night at Navajo Lake State Park, also in northern NM. We had a real short thunderstorm, but it was enough to send Abbey back to the RV where she'll probably stay for the night. It's too bad because she had only been in the lake a few minutes when we heard the first thunder. This place is much more crowded but it will give me a chance to catch up on some stuff and straighten out a few things. Tomorrow morning we're heading out early to make our way to southeastern Utah. More then...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 14, 2005 12:32 AM.

The previous post in this blog was On The Road (Finally).

The next post in this blog is Heron Lake Camp Mtn View.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.