Jabba and Greedo Shoots First

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A link for Greg's Dad:
Jabba and Greedo

I enjoyed the addition of Jabba in the first Star Wars Movie. It was a scene George Lucas wanted to have, but could not afford. He had a goal of more interaction between strange aliens and humans that were limited without the yet created computer animation that would allow it.

I agree with the "Greedo Shoots First" complaint. Nasty guy, Greedo. Shootin' him first was ok with me.

Here's a link for Greg himself... and anyone else interested in the Box DVD set of Star Wars being released today.


Greg said:

Sadly, I still don't think that information will help my dad. I've spent a great deal of time since 1977 trying to explain Star Wars to my parents. To this day, my mom has not seen it. And despite the fact that he has a grandson named Benjamin Kenobi Willits, I don't think my dad understands that there's a Star Wars reference in there.

UT said:

I didn't like that Han Solo shot Greedo first when I watched the movie over again, but originally it was important in setting up the character of Han Solo as a dangerous thief. You weren't sure you could trust him and Luke was having to trust him completely so it added suspense.

I don't mind Lucas going back and fixing a few things (outright flaws) that most people wouldn't notice, but I agree with Terry Gilliam that the movie should preserve all the limitations of the time. If Lucas really wants he can go back and re-master it and offer that as well, but the original that people went to see in the theaters should be available as well.

One of the best DVD's I have is Beauty and the Beast which has 3 versions: The first is the preview uncompleted version shown at a film festival with incomplete artwork that is really neat. Then they have the original release. Lastly they have a re-edited version with a couple of extra scenes and songs.

So are you getting the box set?

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