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Saturday April 3, 2010

I'm a Flashaholic

No, not just because I have too many flashlights now, or because I have done driver swaps, or gotten lithium-ion batteries. It is official now because at CandlePower Forums if you post over 100 messages your status goes from "Enlightened" (people with less than 20 posts are "Unenlightened") to "Flashaholic". The next step as far as I can tell is 500 posts when you just get an asterisk after Flashaholic.

This started last May when I was at Fry's and bought a LED bulb for my Versapak Snakelight, so not even a year ago. But I know so much more about flashlights now.


Comments (3)

The little flashlight you gave us for Christmas is amazing. Kelly and I used it late Thursday night when we carried the small kitchen TV with a 100 foot extension cord outside to the curb to hook the TV up directly to the cable box. Our cable had stopped working, and I wanted to test it at the street and at the house junction box. The little flashlight lit everything up as I connected an disconnected power and cables. We found amazingly clear reception at the street. I think our cable has been failing over time, the signal getting worse, and then the cable finally failed Thursday night. The dogs watched us as we watched TV at the curb. They figured we had lost it. (Cable guy came out Friday and we now have the clearest connection we've ever had... in the house.)

You have learned so much about flashlights in just one year. I wonder what will be next; maybe screwdrivers. Then you would become a screw.....

So are you trying to get an asterisk?

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