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Saturday December 11, 2010

Friends of Dekalb Animals

On the community bulletin board I started, a person wrote in and asked for help for Friends of Dekalb Animals. This organization is independent of the Dekalb Animal Services but helps transport animals from there to the northeastern US where it is easier to find homes for dogs. It is very expensive to transport a dog plus some veterinary services are needed, but it basically saves the dogs life.

Anyway, they are doing a thing through Citgo right now called Fueling Good hoping to get a $2500 gas card to help them out. People visit Citgo's website and vote for Friends of Dekalb Animals. You can enter every day and every time you vote you can then play an instant win matching game where you could win $25 in gas.

Once you have signed up, you can click Cast Your Vote on the upper right of the link above. Then enter your e-mail address. Then do a search by entering "dekalb" and click on Friends of Dekalb Animals. Then choose to vote for them and you can play the matching game. It doesn't cost anything and maybe it will help them out. You can vote every day through January 4.

Comments (5)

Thanks for the link - I voted for the Dekalb dogs and will continue to do so when I remember.

Say no more, I just voted. I can think of nothing more crucial during the winter than to make this happen and save a dog's life. Please, I urge you to do our own "get out the vote" and make it happen. Do not be complacent.

I voted. Why is your post dated January 4, 2011? That's Patsy's b'day.

Since the voting expires Jan 4, by dating his post Jan 4, the announcement stays on top of his blog (until then.) Clever.

I did it to help Nicole remember.

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