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Wednesday May 14, 2008

Bluejay Babies

In the last couple of weeks, any time I would let the dogs out in the backyard, a robin would start yelling at me. Also I saw a broken eggshell where a baby robin had hatched. So I was on the lookout for a nest. This morning I found one in the branches of my maple tree in the back. But the bird sitting on the nest was gray, not a robin. This afternoon I noticed the mother bird was gone so I got the camera and ladder and went up to check out what was there. The babies (3 or 4) opened their mouths when I came up. But before I could snap their pictures, their parents came around yelling at me. Bluejays! The father actually smacked into my head a couple of times. With them yelling the babies crouched down in the nest. I still got a picture:


Here's another one taken May 23, getting feathers:

By May 29, the nest was empty but the parents were still hanging around and protective. I found a fledgling under the tree hidden in the ivy:

Comments (5)

Isn't nature just wonderful? I really enjoyed that story and the picture. Thank you for posting.

Uh... I think those baby birds are kind of gross looking. Helps to be a mother...

They're not much to look at now, but just wait. I will try to get another picture soon and hopefully they will have some feathers.

They kind of look like bats. On the last Survivor episode they boiled the bats and ate them.

I don't think you should boil the baby birds as Carol is suggesting.

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