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Friday February 24, 2006

Mute Your TV

I watch ABC news almost every night. The Winter Olympics are on NBC, so ABC can't show video from that day's Olympics, but they can show still pictures and they give updates every night on the news. Because of the time delay they can give results that haven't been shown on NBC yet. They preface their Olympic updates by saying "If you don't want to know what happens in tonight's coverage, you should mute your television." Then they proceed to show still pictures of jubilant skiers, skaters, etc. holding their gold medals or athletes wiped out on the snow or ice. I don't think they're really very serious about not giving away what happens on NBC's broadcast.

Comments (4)

I always watch ABC news, too. I think it is the best station out there now. I've certainly enjoyed Dancing With the Stars, Commander in Chief, and Grey's Anatomy (although it really is rauchy), and Boston Legal (it's raunchy, too). If they could leave out the raunchy parts, I think they would get more viewers.

We have been watching the Discovery channel from 6pm-7pm when Cash Cab comes on. I wish I could get in that Cash Cab with Bob.
The news is too raunchy.

Why is the olympics only on NBC anyway?

There are 613 million reasons why the Olympics are only on NBC. More on why...

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