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Wednesday April 20, 2005

New Palm Program

A year or two ago I was trying to learn to write programs for the Palm. I tried this when I first got the Palm and quickly realized that the Palm was very difficult for a non-programmer to write for without spending a bunch of money on development software. But they had a free C compiler and other tools which I made almost no progress on.

Later I got a book on the Palm that had a trial version of some development software. This made things a lot easier, but the trial version didn't let you write anything complex. Later still I downloaded another development package called CASLsoft. With one of those two programs I wrote a Vertical Curve program that I have had ever since (but I lost the source code). That's a good program for me to write when I'm learning because it has a couple of variables and IF-THEN's and needs input and output.

Last week I decided to make VCurve 1.0 available on Palm Gear. I already had a developer account from when I wrote MemoParser 1.0, so it was easy to do. So far 47 people have downloaded it.

Palm Gear VCurve Home

VCurve home on my web site

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