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Do Not "Delete Weblog"

I have disabled the Configure Weblog for all users except Ted, Kelly, and Eric. I did this because when enabled, there is an option that shows on the main menu "Delete Weblog" which wipes out a person's entire blog. It could easily be accidentally hit or enterpreted as "delete the last posting". This is what happened to Danny last year.

Deleting your log would not be a tragedy, because everything is backed up once per day. But it would be a hassle for me to restore.

For most people it means they will not see many of the settings that you don't really change, so it won't matter. However, it is fun to change your blog descriptions sometimes, and I think Kelly, Eric, and Ted are most inclined to do that.

Now playing: Watching The Detectives from "The Best Of Elvis Costello And The Attractions" by Elvis Costello


thank you for thinking of me. Good thing you told us!

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