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Gandalf The White (infected)

Gandalf (the white) was set up two weeks ago without anti-virus protection. So a worm (or two) moved in and started routing pirated files. This morning it started being so "loud" on the network it ground everything else to a halt.

I had to go make a personal call to perform surgery. Norton Anti-Virus found the following:

C:\WINNT\MSsrvs32.exe is infected with W32.Randex.gen C:\WINNT\system32\MSsrvs32.exe is infected with W32.Randex.gen C:\WINNT\system32\webchecks.dll is infected with W32.IRCBot C:\WINNT\system32\dhcp\csrss.exe is infected with W32.IRCBot C:\Documents and Settings\DoNotUse\payload.dat is infected with W32.Randex.gen C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Templates\winspsv.exe is infected with W32.Spybot.Worm C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\payload.dat is infected with W32.Randex.gen

I had to manually delete MSsrvs32.exe and webchecks.dll using a command line because Norton and Windows were "denied access."


Removed two register entries that wanted to run MSsrv32.exe per Symantec's step 5.

what is gandalf (the white)?

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