Mac5 Has Moved

| | Comments (0) | is now running on a different Macintosh. It has moved from our living room to the basement, but that Mac will shortly be moved downtown to live in a data center where it will have much faster access to the internet. (Stuff should come down faster when you visit.)

Call or write if you have any problems posting or commenting. Had to fix UT tonight with one glitch, but I think all is running smoothly.

I want to allow churches (or any group really) to use MovableType for maintaining their websites. This prototype is almost all MovableType postings. Even the photos and side information for the most part are just articles that can be easily edited. Choosing a category like "Main-Side" or "Contact-Top" controls where information will go.

Holy Cross on MT


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This page contains a single entry by Jeb published on June 20, 2005 10:55 PM.

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