Hair Color

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Kathy and Danny got their U.S. Passports earlier in the year for their Jamaica trip. While you are supposed to be able to just use your birth certificate and a driver's license, the Jamaica customs agents had told me last year to go ahead and get a passport.

I went ahead and applied for one Saturday to use on our Windjammer cruise. I got to the part of the application that says: "Hair Color." I wanted to put "straw", but I wasn't sure that was legal. I stepped outside where Kathy was working in the yard. "What color hair do I have? The passport application wants to know."

"I guess you should put gray," she said. So I did. That's a first.



julie said:

No Way! I cannot have a child with gray hair.
Dye it!

sista said:

Have you seen Tom on Survivor? He has gray hair. At first I thought he was a lot older than me, but he is in great shape. When I put my finger over his hair and just look at his face he looks a lot younger.
You have always looked younger than your age. For the 2nd half you can look older. People will wonder how you could live so long when you've looked old for so many years.

Jeb said:

Carol is correct. I look old and serious in this recent photo, but if you cover up my hair with your finger, I look younger.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeb published on April 24, 2005 7:56 PM.

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