Cell Phone Jammers

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Great story on installing a $2,000, paperbook-sized cell phone jammer in churches. I'd pay $100 towards the purchase at Saint John Neumann just so they can quit asking people to turn them off! And all thanks to Israel!

Yahoo! News - Churches Installing Cell Phone Jammers



eric said:

Now THAT is a good idea. do they have those in movie theaters? i always get poor receptcion on my imaginary phone.

UT said:

The article says they are illegal in the US. Plus there are some people that need their cell phones for emergencies like doctors. If someone died because their doctor was in a jammed zone at church then I would think there would be trouble.

New cell phones are supposed to be equipped with GPS. It might be possible to work out a deal with the phone companies to make virtual dead spaces within the limits of the church building based on coordinates. Or, better, automatically turn the phones to vibrate.

I was shopping for a winter coat this weekend and noticed that most jackets now come with a cell phone pocket on the inside. Some also have an audio device pocket with a button hole for the headphones to go through.

Another idea would be to make some kind of device near the door of the church that would make the cell phone ringer go off when you walked through it (if it was turned on). Then you would be reminded to turn it off. Plus it would let you know when people showed up late!

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