
| | Comments (1) |

This one worked for me. It is now sitting in /private/etc/periodic/daily/ with other daily scripts being run by cron. Had to add the path to the MYSQLDUMP utility in this line:

Automatic MySQL Backup

Here is the script:

# MySQL Backup Script
# VER. 1.9 -
# Copyright (c) 2002-2003 [email protected]
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Set the following variables to your system needs
# (Detailed instructions below variables)

# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. dbuser

# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. password
PASSWORD=H***** (masked)

# Host name (or IP address) of MySQL server e.g localhost

# List of DBNAMES for Daily/Weekly Backup e.g. "DB1 DB2 DB3"

# Backup directory location e.g /backups

# Mail backup log? (yes or no)

# Email Address to send log to? ([email protected])
MAILADDR="[email protected]"

# ============================================================
# === ADVANCED OPTIONS ( Read the doc's below for details )===

# List of DBBNAMES for Monthly Backups.

# List of DBNAMES to EXLUCDE if DBNAMES are set to all (must be in " quotes)

# Include CREATE DATABASE in backup?

# Separate backup directory and file for each DB? (yes or no)

# Which day do you want weekly backups? (1 to 7 where 1 is Monday)

# Command to run before backups (uncomment to use)

# Command run after backups (uncomment to use)

# Options documantation
# Set USERNAME and PASSWORD of a user that has at least SELECT permission
# to ALL databases.
# Set the DBHOST option to the server you wish to backup, leave the
# default to backup "this server".(to backup multiple servers make
# copies of this file and set the options for that server)
# Put in the list of DBNAMES(Databases)to be backed up. If you would like
# to backup ALL DBs on the server set DBNAMES="all".(if set to "all" then
# any new DBs will automatically be backed up without needing to modify
# this backup script when a new DB is created).
# If the DB you want to backup has a space in the name replace the space
# with a % e.g. "data base" will become "data%base"
# NOTE: Spaces in DB names may not work correctly when SEPDIR=no.
# You can change the backup storage location from /backups to anything
# you like by using the BACKUPDIR setting..
# The MAILLOG and MAILADDR options and pretty self explanitory, use
# these to have the backup log mailed to you at any email address or multiple
# email addresses in a space seperated list.
# (this will require that you are permitted to run the "mail" program
# on your server.)
# Finally copy to anywhere on your server and make sure
# to set executable permission. You can also copy the script to
# /etc/cron.daily to have it execute automatically every night or simply
# place a symlink in /etc/cron.daily to the file if you wish to keep it
# somwhere else.
# NOTE:On Debian copy the file with no extention for it to be run
# by cron e.g just name the file "automysqlbackup"
# Thats it..
# === Advanced options doc's ===
# The list of MDBNAMES is the DB's to be backed up only monthly. You should
# always include "mysql" in this list to backup your user/password
# information along with any other DBs that you only feel need to
# be backed up monthly. (if using a hosted server then you should
# probably remove "mysql" as your provider will be backing this up)
# NOTE: If DBNAMES="all" then MDBNAMES has no effect as all DBs will be backed
# up anyway.
# If you set DBNAMES="all" you can configure the option DBEXCLUDE. Other
# wise this option will not be used.
# This option can be used if you want to backup all dbs, but you want
# exclude some of them. (eg. a db is to big).
# Set CREATE_DATABASE to "yes" (the default) if you want your SQL-Dump to create
# a database with the same name as the original database when restoring.
# Saying "no" here will allow your to specify the database name you want to
# restore your dump into, making a copy of the database by using the dump
# created with automysqlbackup.
# NOTE: Not used if SEPDIR=no
# The SEPDIR option allows you to choose to have all DBs backed up to
# a single file (fast restore of entire server in case of crash) or to
# seperate directories for each DB (each DB can be restored seperately
# in case of single DB corruption or loss).
# To set the day of the week that you would like the weekly backup to happen
# set the DOWEEKLY setting, this can be a value from 1 to 7 where 1 is Monday,
# The default is 6 which means that weekly backups are done on a Saturday.
# Use PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP to specify Per and Post backup commands
# or scripts to perform tasks either before or after the backup process.
# Backup Rotation..
# Daily Backups are rotated weekly..
# Weekly Backups are run by default on Saturday Morning when
# cron.daily scripts are run...Can be changed with DOWEEKLY setting..
# Weekly Backups are rotated on a 5 week cycle..
# Monthly Backups are run on the 1st of the month..
# Monthly Backups are NOT rotated automatically...
# It may be a good idea to copy Monthly backups offline or to another
# server..
# Please Note!!
# I take no resposibility for any data loss or corruption when using
# this script..
# This script will not help in the event of a hard drive crash. If a
# copy of the backup has not be stored offline or on another PC..
# You should copy your backups offline regularly for best protection.
# Happy backing up...
# Restoring
# Firstly you will need to uncompress the backup file.
# eg.
# ungzip file.gz
# Next you will need to use the mysql client to restore the DB from the
# sql file.
# eg.
# mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=dbserver database < /path/file.sql
# or
# mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=dbserver -e "source /path/file.sql" database
# NOTE: Make sure you use "<" and not ">" in the above command because
# you are piping the file.sql to mysql and not the other way around.
# Lets hope you never have to use this.. :)
# Change Log
# VER 1.9 - (2004-05-25)
# Small bug fix to handle spaces in LOGFILE path which contains spaces (reported by Thomas von Eyben)
# Updated docs to mention that Log email can be sent to multiple email addresses.
# VER 1.8 - (2004-05-01)
# Added option to make backups restorable to alternate database names
# meaning that a copy of the database can be created (Based on patch by Rene Hoffmann)
# Seperated options into standard and advanced.
# Removed " from single file dump DBMANES because it caused an error but
# this means that if DB's have spaces in the name they will not dump when SEPDIR=no.
# Added -p option to mkdir commands to create multiple subdirs without error.
# Added disk usage and location to the bottom of the backup report.
# VER 1.7 - (2004-04-22)
# Fixed an issue where weelky backups would only work correctly if server
# locale was set to English (issue reported by Tom Ingberg)
# used "eval" for "rm" commands to try and resolve rotation issues.
# Changed name of status log so multiple scripts can be run at the same time.
# VER 1.6 - (2004-03-14)
# Added PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP command functions. (patch by markpustjens)
# Added support for backing up DB's with Spaces in the name.
# (patch by markpustjens)
# VER 1.5 - (2004-02-24)
# Added the ability to exclude DB's when the "all" option is used.
# (Patch by kampftitan)
# VER 1.4 - (2004-02-02)
# Project moved to
# VER 1.3 - (2003-09-25)
# Added support for backing up "all" databases on the server without
# having to list each one seperately in the configuration.
# Added DB restore instructions.
# VER 1.2 - (2003-03-16)
# Added server name to the backup log so logs from multiple servers
# can be easily identified.
# VER 1.1 - (2003-03-13)
# Small Bug fix in monthly report. (Thanks Stoyanski)
# Added option to email log to any email address. (Inspired by Stoyanski)
# Changed Standard file name to .sh extention.
# Option are set using yes and no rather than 1 or 0.
# VER 1.0 - (2003-01-30)
# Added the ability to have all databases backup to a single dump
# file or seperate directory and file for each database.
# Output is better for log keeping.
# VER 0.6 - (2003-01-22)
# Bug fix for daily directory (Added in VER 0.5) rotation.
# VER 0.5 - (2003-01-20)
# Added "daily" directory for daily backups for neatness (suggestion by Jason)
# Added DBHOST option to allow backing up a remote server (Suggestion by Jason)
# Added "--quote-names" option to mysqldump command.
# Bug fix for handling the last and first of the year week rotation.
# VER 0.4 - (2002-11-06)
# Added the abaility for the script to create its own directory structure.
# VER 0.3 - (2002-10-01)
# Changed Naming of Weekly backups so they will show in order.
# VER 0.2 - (2002-09-27)
# Corrected weekly rotation logic to handle weeks 0 - 10
# VER 0.1 - (2002-09-21)
# Initial Release
# Should not need to be modified from here down!!
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` # Datestamp e.g 2002-09-21
DOW=`date +%A` # Day of the week e.g. Monday
DNOW=`date +%u` # Day number of the week 1 to 7 where 1 represents Monday
DOM=`date +%d` # Date of the Month e.g. 27
M=`date +%B` # Month e.g January
W=`date +%V` # Week Number e.g 37
VER=1.9 # Version Number
LOGFILE=/$DBHOST-`date +%N`.log # Logfile Name
OPT="--quote-names --opt" # OPT string for use with mysqldump ( see man mysqldump )

# Run command before we begin
if [ "$PREBACKUP" ]

# Create required directories
if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR" ] # Check Backup Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/daily" ] # Check Daily Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/daily"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/weekly" ] # Check Weekly Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/weekly"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/monthly" ] # Check Monthly Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/monthly"

if [ "$SEPDIR" = "yes" ]; then # Check if CREATE DATABSE should be included in Dump
if [ "$CREATE_DATABASE" = "no" ]; then
OPT="$OPT --no-create-db"
OPT="$OPT --databases"
OPT="$OPT --databases"

# Hostname for LOG information
if [ "$DBHOST" = "localhost" ]; then

# If backing up all DBs on the server
if [ "$DBNAMES" = "all" ]; then
DBNAMES="`mysql --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST --batch -N -e "show databases"| sed 's/ /%/g'`"

# If DBs are excluded
for exclude in $DBEXCLUDE
DBNAMES=`echo $DBNAMES | sed "s/\b$exclude\b//g"`


echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Backup of Database Server - $HOST>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

# Test is seperate DB backups are required
if [ "$SEPDIR" = "yes" ]; then
echo Backup Start Time `date`>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
# Monthly Full Backup of all Databases
if [ $DOM = "01" ]; then

# Prepare $DB for using
MDB="`echo $MDB | sed 's/%/ /g'`"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB" ] # Check Monthly DB Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB"
echo Monthly Backup of $MDB...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT "$MDB" > "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql"
echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

for DB in $DBNAMES
# Prepare $DB for using
DB="`echo $DB | sed 's/%/ /g'`"

# Create Seperate directory for each DB
if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB" ] # Check Daily DB Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB" ] # Check Weekly DB Directory exists.
mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB"

# Weekly Backup
if [ $DNOW = $DOWEEKLY ]; then
echo Weekly Backup of Database \( $DB \)>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Rotating 5 weeks Backups...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
if [ "$W" -le 05 ];then
REMW=`expr 48 + $W`
elif [ "$W" -lt 15 ];then
REMW=0`expr $W - 5`
REMW=`expr $W - 5`
eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/week.$REMW.*" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT "$DB" > "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/week.$W.$DATE.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/week.$W.$DATE.sql"

echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/week.$W.$DATE.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/week.$W.$DATE.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

# Daily Backup
echo Daily Backup of Database \( $DB \)>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Rotating last weeks Backup...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/*.$DOW.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT "$DB" > "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/$DATE.$DOW.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/$DATE.$DOW.sql"

echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/$DATE.$DOW.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/$DATE.$DOW.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Backup End `date`>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

else # One backup file for all DBs
echo Backup Start `date`>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
# Monthly Full Backup of all Databases
if [ $DOM = "01" ]; then
echo Monthly full Backup of \( $MDBNAMES \)...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT $MDBNAMES > "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql"
echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

# Weekly Backup
if [ $DNOW = $DOWEEKLY ]; then
echo Weekly Backup of Databases \( $DBNAMES \)>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Rotating 5 weeks Backups...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
if [ "$W" -le 05 ];then
REMW=`expr 48 + $W`
elif [ "$W" -lt 15 ];then
REMW=0`expr $W - 5`
REMW=`expr $W - 5`
eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$REMW.*" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT $DBNAMES > "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql"

echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

# Daily Backup
echo Daily Backup of Databases \( $DBNAMES \)>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Rotating last weeks Backup...>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/daily/*.$DOW.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST $OPT $DBNAMES > "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql"
gzip -f "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql"
echo Backup Information for $BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql.gz>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
gzip -l "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql.gz" >> "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------->>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Backup End Time `date`>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Total disk space used for backup storage..>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo Size - Location>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo If you find AutoMySQLBackup valuable please make a donation at>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"
echo ======================================================================>>"$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

if [ "$MAILLOG" = "yes" ]
cat "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE" | mail -s "MySQL Backup Log for $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR

# Clean up Logfile
eval rm -f "$BACKUPDIR/$LOGFILE"

# Run command when we're done
if [ "$POSTBACKUP" ]

exit 0



eric said:

HELP UJ! i cant get on to movable type. i dont know my password!

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