Music Library
Took me a while to figure out how to share my iTunes music library over the web, but to have it password protected. (Don't want to be a pirate, so I'm limiting listening to family.) My iTunes library is on a second volume. Had to set up an alias in the http config file and switch AllowOveride from None to All. This allowed an .httpaccess file in the music library directory to control access.
Alias /tunes "/volumes/Disk2/tunes"
<Directory "/volumes/Disk2/tunes">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride All <--- was set to none in template
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Now playing: A Pirate Looks At Forty by Jimmy Buffet
After migrating to the single volume Mac 17, I set up the above alias to point to the default /user/cashin/music/iTunes/iTunes Library folder. I had to chmod 755 /music and the subdirectories to make them browsable. Copied .htaccess using FileBuddy from one of the existing protected directories (pool.) Works.