In Search of Random
Random On This Day
MTPhotogallery (cron job can update randoms)
Recent Comments List
My goal is to take some of these plug-ins and techniques and have the home page be dyanmic, interesting, and a summary of new things on everyone's blogs.
Combining the OtherBlogs plug-in with the Recent Entries code, I can have summaries of recent comments from all blogs. In this way, people leaving comments get some recognition and comments are more likely to be found.
You're a clever guy, Jeb. I think if you gave your table data tags absolute heights and widths on your new design that it might eliminate the jumpiness when you click refresh and a different sized photo comes in.
You've become quite the web developer. You'd be dangerous if you learned Photoshop.
Trying to find a way to make random images be click-able to a larger photo or photo set.
Random display of HTML, including a timer option: