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Merry Christmas


I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again, already. This year has really flown by. Abbey and I have had a very interesting year. At one point I thought I had had enough of life on the road and was thinking that I would sell my RV at the end of the year. But since then I’ve had a change of heart. I do want to slow down and stay in a much smaller number of places for a longer period of time – a few months or more – but I plan on using the motorhome as my base still. If you missed it in a recent post I just bought a car which I can tow. This will be a lot more convenient for me, especially since I won’t be moving around as much. I hope to continue working with Habitat and possibly some other non-profits. I have already signed up for another stint with Habitat in the Florida Keys starting in the end of January. I figure if you’re going to work hard, you might as well do it in a nice location. Speaking of working, I have made a deal with my brother to start doing some work for his company come January. The beauty of it is that it will be part-time, very sporadic and I can do it from anywhere, including from my RV in a remote campground somewhere, as long as I can get satellite reception. So, rest assured if you’re starting to worry that I might be going back to the coporate grind. I’m hoping never to have to do that.

I didn’t visit as many friends this year, but I was able to catch up with many that I didn’t get to last year. I also made some new friends along the way, especially from my two Habitat builds. I’m not sure where this year will take, or who I will meet or what old friends I will see, but I’m looking forward to it with excitement, and also a little bit of apprehension. When I started on the road a year and a half ago I wasn’t sure if I would last more than 6 months, and at this point, I still don’t know if I will last another 6. But I’m trying to take things a day, a week, a month at a time. I try not to plan things too rigidly so when the “right” thing comes along, or I find the “right” place, I’ll know and I’ll be able to take advantage of it.

I’d like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. May 2007 be a year of peace and good health for you and your families.

Comments (5)

Ann Kelley:

Merry Christmas Ed! And all the best for the new year...with many happy trails to you.

Enjoy a nice warm Christmas...I've done a couple Christmases on the gulf of Mexico now -- it's really not bad!

Chip Block:

Sounds a lot warmer than ringing a bell here in front of the mall. Have a Merry Christmas.

Chip, Bonnie, Candice, Summer, Torrey, Aspen, Rudy and the hamsters

Patricia and Jim:

Christmas Greetings from snowy Colorado! We came down from the mountains on Friday and didn't have to put it in 4 wheel drive until we hit Denver. Our love and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a good year ahead for both you and Abbey.

Donna Goobic:

And a very Happy New Year to you, Ed...your guided tour of CR was great...I am getting a personal eye's view of places I will never go...blessings to you and Abbey for a safe continuing adventure...God bless you, Huck Finn!! Try floating down the Mississippi in your RV...maybe do some building in my favorite city, New Orleans...they sure could use you there...come see me sometime...my church is doing a building mission on the Gulf Coast in March, take care, best, Donna

John Hanover:

Looks like you're having a wonder time in Costa Rica!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2006 3:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Philly.

The next post in this blog is Costa Rica - Arenal.

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