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Olympic Peninsula - escaping the heat

With the temperatures in the Seattle area unusually high I decided to head further out on the Olympic Peninsula. We got a late start on Saturday so we didn’t get too far. It was still pretty hot so after finding a campground I took Abbey down to a nearby river to cool off. The next day was supposed to be more of the same so we packed up and headed as far west as we could – the coast. In fact, we made it to Cape Flattery, the farthest you can go northwest in the lower 48. It’s on the Makah Indian Reservation, where they also have a campground at Hobuck Beach. The campground isn’t much more than a grassy field up against the dunes, but it’s only 100’ from the beach and was far more attractive than the RV park that looked more like a parking lot. I let Abbey out about 1 in the morning and the sky was filled with stars. I could even see the Milky Way. The beach was really wide, especially at high tide so it was great for walking on. The weird thing, though, is that in the summer there is always a fog over the ocean so you never get a really clear view. In the morning, after a little bit of coaxing, I took Abbey for a long walk on the beach. It didn’t take her long to get lost in the tide pools searching for fish and whatever else she looks for in the water. She was having a ball running on the beach without a leash. Morning is definitely her time. I was starving by the time we finally got back for breakfast. In the afternoon I drove into an outer lying area of Olympic National Park that is on the coast. There was a 9 mile loop trail, including 3 miles on the beach that I wanted to hike. Unfortunately for Abbey she wasn’t allowed to come. It was probably better because the trail out to the coast was mostly on a cedar-plank boardwalk, which was pretty uneven. The forest was so thick in spots that it felt like a tropical rainforest. Walking on the beach was pretty tough because there was either a lot of driftwood or it was very rocky and slippery. It was an interesting hike and pretty scenic too, but one of my knees was bothering me. I haven’t been hiking too much in the last few months so I think I’m not quite in the hiking shape I was in last year. I need to fix that before I go up to Canada in a few weeks.

By the time we got back to the campground the fog and mist were rolling in fast. We got to experience what this place is like normally in the winter. They said that it is pretty unusual in the summer. It cooled off considerably and was misting when I woke up in the morning. We went for a walk on the beach anyways and Abbey had a ball once again. I’m not sure all the sea creatures in the tide pool were as thrilled as she was. After breakfast it was still pretty overcast so I decided to head back to Seattle early. I got Abbey an appointment with a vet there in the morning. She was supposed to have some blood work rechecked 3 months from when she had it done in Sedona, which is right about now. Hopefully, all will go well.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2006 12:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Seattle and the Mountain Loop Highway.

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