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So Long Sedona

Michael and Diana got back pretty late on the 9th. I had originally planned to take off on the 10th or 11th, but I found out that the North Rim of the Grand Canyon opened for the season on the 15th so I stuck around til then. I have always wanted to go to the North Rim but I was never there at the right time as it is only open mid-May to Mid-October.

If you’ve never had a chance to go to Sedona, you should try to someday. Not only is it a beautiful place, but just about anything goes here. There are crystal shops, psychics, vortex tour guides, and any number of different religious/spiritual groups. I didn’t go to any psychics but maybe I should have to see if they might know what my next job will be. The great thing about Sedona is that you don’t have to worry about that what you’re doing is going to look strange. Most people here are very open and accepting, and besides, there will always be someone who looks stranger than you. A lot of people think it’s the spiritual center of the country, if not the universe. In any case it is a very unique place and a very interesting one to visit. I certainly enjoyed it, met some nice people and saw some old friends. I also attended some interesting events. It never hurts to open your mind more.

Only in Sedona

I did a few more hikes but mostly in the morning with Abbey. I guess I was too busy doing other things. I didn’t even take any pictures on any of the trails, but with the views I had I didn’t feel the need to take my camera on the trails. Here are some more parting shots of the view. I’ll miss it. I think Abbey will miss the house too, though I don’t think the cats will miss her…and they’ll get to eat all of their food in peace now.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 14, 2006 7:30 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Slummin' in Sedona.

The next post in this blog is North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

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