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My First Walmart

I left the Kaibab National Forest in the morning, where it was in the 30s when I woke up, and arrived at Lake Meade NRA in Nevada in the afternoon where it was in the 100s. It didn’t take me long to decide to keep moving on. I only stayed long enough to let Abbey swim in the lake for a while and take a look at the map to figure out where to try next. I drove along the lake which took me around Las Vegas so I can still say I’ve never been there. By 6PM I was starving so I stopped at the Mad Greek Café in Baker which is home of the world’s tallest thermometer and is also the gateway to both Death Valley and the Mojave Desert. If my picture was halfway decent you’d be able to see that it says it was 110. Not only did I have a great gyro at the Mad Greek, but I also stopped at Alien Fresh Jerky to get some fresh jerky (made without preservatives, of course). Presumably, it’s the first choice in jerky of all aliens.

I was hoping to make it to the Angeles National Forest northeast of LA, but I was too tired and it got too late. So I did the next best thing. I found the Walmart in Barstow and succumbed to the siren song of all RVers. I “camped” for the night in my first Walmart. I didn’t get to meet any of my neighbors, but it was a pretty quiet night.

Can you make out the "Walmart"?
Some of my neighbors

Comments (3)

Jim Ruddick:

Walmart - Next thing you know, you will be dating a girl that goes to the diner with the curlers still in her hair!


How was the Irish coffee? I've been longing for a good one lately.
I think you need to hike the whole trail next time. Do you realize that your baby sister hiked 10.5 miles up the Bright Angel Trail w/ 10 lbs. on my back after rafting down the Canyon for 5 days?


I still say hiking sticks are not for men. Although I could forgive you for using as an aid to pick up a cute blond on the trail. A true hikers aid I say!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2006 8:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is California Coast.

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