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Ski Moab

Believe it or not I did do a little skiing near Moab, but it was of the cross country variety. They still have a lot of snow in the La Sal Mountains above Moab. The conditions weren’t great, but at least I finally made use of my x-country skis that I have been carrying around. I also used my snowshoes and took Abbey with me. She had a ball rolling in the snow, of course. The funny thing was that we did a short hike in the desert that morning before driving up to the pass to play in the snow.

I arrived in Moab on Saturday not realizing that it would be so crowded. Spring break is a popular time in Moab, the mountain biking mecca of the country, since it is so hot during the summer. There is a ton of stuff to do around Moab like rafting, hiking, mountain biking and, of course, cross country and backcountry skiing. Today I rented a Jeep and Abbey and I went four wheeling. Unfortunately, it was pretty cloudy most of the day so the light wasn’t too good for pictures. The scenery was still spectacular though I’m not sure Abbey thought the very bumpy ride was worth it. She seemed to do OK though and had fun running around when we stopped for breaks. There were a few hairy spots and a cool set of switchbacks that reminded me of the Moki Dugway if you remember that from last year (see the May archive). It was fun, but I’m not sure I got excited enough to want to get into it like the fanatics do. You wouldn’t believe some of the “trails” they drive their vehicles up.

This part of the country is just so unique. I wouldn’t want to live her due to the extreme summer heat and lack of trees and grass, but it sure is beautiful especially in the spring. We’ve also done a little hiking here and I’m hoping to try out some of the bike trails if my ancient bike is up to the task. If not, I’ll just have to rent one. You can’t go to Moab and not ride any of the mountain bike trails. If I didn’t I think my cousin Tommy would die. He loves this place. Speaking of him, when he found out I was out here it was killing him. So I invited him to come on out and he couldn’t resist. He’ll be here next week so I have to rest up and get in shape. More next week.

Moab Area Pics

Comments (1)


While you wait for my brother Tommy to arrive, make sure you tour Arches Nat'l Park! You MUST see Delicate Arch at sunset -- it's unforgetable.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 28, 2006 6:10 PM.

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