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Back to Billings

Saturday turned out to be our worst weather day with rain most of the day and we even hit some snow going through the mountains on our way back to Billings. We decided to check out what Billings has to offer though we weren't tempted by the Montana Women's Prison. Billings is reportedly the largest city in Montana which is hard to imagine until you start trying to think of what other cities there are in Montana. The downtown area isn't bad actually, though the rain seemed to have kept everyone inside. We decided to follow suit and got some great buffalo burgers at a brew pub. The menu seemed out of place though. We were expecting it to be full of big steaks and other carnivorous fare, but the burgers were good enough especially when washed down with the brewpubs own ale. There was a sports bar right next door and the ND game just happened to be on. As a bonus they had free wireless access so we got to check our email for the first time this week. What more could we ask for.

It was quite remarkable, but Chris and I managed to spend the whole week together without killing each other, or even coming close. Well, if he was close to killing me he hid it well. Sunday morning Abbey and I dropped him off at the airport and spent the rest of the day catching up on things like laundry, email and changing the oil in the RV. Not exciting, but we got some rest after the week.
RV Humor


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2005 12:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Waterfalls and Wolves.

The next post in this blog is Red Lodge, MT.

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