« Farewell to Ireland, the Land of Sheep, Castles and Guinness | Main | End of Abbey's Road? »

Getting Reacquainted

It took me awhile to adjust to the time change. Usually flying west it is easier but not this time. On Wednesday Dan & Bonnie's oldest daughter, Laura, moved into her college dorm to start her freshman year at Colorado State. It's hard to believe that I saw her a few days after she came home from the hospital as a newborn and she's already starting college and I got to be there her first day. We went out to a good Mexican restaurant with real good margaritas in Ft. Collins to celebrate. I was real glad the next day that I didn't have a second margarita. They were pretty potent.

I finally got reacquainted with traveling in the RV on Thursday after not sleeping in it for a month. I was starting to get anxious to get back on the road, which I think is a good sign. I had to drop something off at the Moats in Grand Lake, though, so I wasn't exactly on my own yet. They talked me into staying the night, but I slept in the RV in their driveway. I wanted to feel like I was back on the road. I was going to take off the next morning, but their hospitality was too good to pass up. Jim and Jeri actually left for a short vacation, but they offered to let me stay there and use their car if I wanted. They also gave me some good hiking ideas in the area. Plus the possibility of still having a hot shower for a little longer was too enticing. So I am 'camping' in their driveway for a few nights. Since I am eating and sleeping in the RV I figure it's like being in a campground with showers, bathrooms and TV, if I want it.

On Friday Abbey and I took a hike for the first time in 3 weeks. We went farther than I planned on (about 9 miles), which is probably why we were both wiped out that night. We took a real nice hike on the Cascade Creek Trail into the Indian Peaks Wilderness. For some reason, I always feel more like a real outdoorsman if I go into a designated wilderness, even if it's just for a dayhike. In any case, it was a beautiful day and we didn't even get the customary afternoon thunderstorms that are so common in the Rockies. We saw a couple of nice waterfalls and had some real nice views along the way.
Cascade Creek Falls
Monarch Lake


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2005 5:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Farewell to Ireland, the Land of Sheep, Castles and Guinness.

The next post in this blog is End of Abbey's Road?.

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