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Columbia River Gorge

Well, Oregon has finally lived up to its reputation. Today was the 3rd day in a row of clouds and rain. However, I am now sitting in Hood River and the sun is shining so I can't complain too much. In the morning I did laundry since it wasn't too nice and then headed back west a bit to a place called Multnomah Falls. Despite the bad weather, everyone else was there as well. It is a pretty high waterfall and you can hike up to the top. I was surprised at how many people made it up to the top 'cause it was pretty steep and tiring. I guess not all Americans are fat and lazy, just a large percentage. Once we got beyond the overlook and headed further up, the people thinned out (in number) considerably. We made a loop around to another set of waterfalls and headed back down. Abbey was practically running down the hill and my legs were dying by the time we got back down. The whole time it felt like we were in a tropical rain forest. It was misting most of the time and everything was covered with moss. It was still pretty cloudy all along the gorge, but it made it look kind of eery so it wasn't a total loss - just no good gorge pictures. Now in Hood River the sun finally came out and we went down to check out the windsurfers and kite boarders. For those of you who don't know, the Columbia River Gorge is a windsurfing mecca. The kite boarders seem a bit crazy to me. You look up in the sky and see all these kites flying around and then you see down on the water these people attached to these kites riding on windsurfing boards. I was just waiting for 2 of the kites to get tangled up. I can't see how they don't with so many of them out there. I don't think that's a sport I'll try. Maybe windsurfing.
Mutlnomah Falls
Top of Multnomah Falls
Some Other Falls but I don't remember which one
Have you had enough falls yet?

Comments (1)


I wouldn't want to fall from there. It is gorgeous


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 10, 2005 11:09 PM.

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