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My Turn

When I first drove around the lake I thought it was beautiful, but not really spectacular. I guess it had been hyped up so much by so many people that I wasn't as awestruck as I expected. But now I am changing my mind. Besides Lake Tahoe, there are hundreds of small alpine lakes that are equally spectacular (OK, so I admit it is now.) There is still a lot of snow so most of them aren't accessible, but at least I've been able to get out and see some of the other lakes.

Unfortunately though, hiking was a no-go for today. My ankle is way too sore so I'm just hanging out. It is my turn to limp now, so I probably won't be hiking for at least a few days, if not more. I didn't rest completely though. I found out that there is a trail from the campground to Fallen Leaf Lake so I took Abbey over for a swim and a walk. Then after icing my ankle for a while, I decided I wanted to see Echo Lake even if I couldn't hike the trail. There was still a lot of snow up there, but it was plenty warm and a beautiful day. The walk down to the lake was a little treacherous, for me at least, but we made it without any catastrophes. Abbey got to swim in the lake and roll in the snow all within 200 yards of each other. I decided I really like the campground, and I need to rest my ankle so I'm going to hang out here for a few more days. I'll probably head up north for the weekend.

Sorry, if you're tired of all the lake pictures, but here's a few more. They are probably all starting to look the same in pictures, but in person they're all amazing.
Fallen Leaf Lake
Echo Lake

Comments (3)


I like the lake photos. Incorporated an Echo Lake snippet into the random banners. I was in Salt Lake City Sun-Tue this week. Practically in the same neighborhood (geologically speaking.)

Donna Goobic:

Please include as many lake photos as you want, Ed...the lake in front of my home here in Pennsylvania is a "puddle..." compared to what you are allowing me to enjoy via your "Abbey Road Journey." Of course, you are making me more and more a stowaway wannabee!! When you come east, stop to see us...1/2 hour off I-80 near Hazleton!!
God speed...Donna

Jim Brown:

Ed, really enjoying your updates, I look forward to them everyday, can you add me to the distribution list so I know when you are able to make the updates. Keep up the great pictures and the commentary. I think alot of us are living a dream through you.
Thanks again, Jim


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2005 8:12 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lake Tahoe.

The next post in this blog is On to the Northern Sierras.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.