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Bullards Bar Reservoir

It started raining Tuesday night and it was still raining when I got up this morning. In fact, it rained all day Wednesday on the drive over to San Jose from the coast. I started out early but had to cross the coastal mountains so that took a while. Once I got to the central valley the road was much better. I made it to Bullards Bar Reservoir around 3:30. I found our campsite in the rain and we pretty much parked inside the RV the rest of the night. The Gibbons were late (not unlike them) and they ended up camping at the farm where they left Laura's horse. If I didn't mention it already, they came out here because Laura had to do a rating to achieve her next level in the Pony Club. Anyways, they pulled up early the next morning, much to my surprise, and we found 2 new sites that were better than our original choice. And then we ate breakfast. It's the most people I've had in my RV so far at one time, not to mention for a meal.

We had a real nice weekend and had some great meals and after getting a terrible example of soft ice cream, we found a place that served huge helpings of homemade hard ice cream. We got in a little hiking near the Downieville River (I'm sure you've all heard of that). Those are kayakers plotting their descent, in case you're wondering.

We had a great time and as a bonus I got to listen to several of Laura's hilarious stories, which if that wasn't the highlight of the weekend, I don't know what was. Now, I'm at Lake Tahoe and hoping to do some nice hikes. There is still a lot of snow up in the mountains and the crowds are already descending on the place, but I think Abbey and I will find a few good ones. We found a nice place to camp, thanks to Dan G., at Sugar Pine Point State Park. More soon, including my chili recipe which I promised Steve Kupec.

The Gibbons Family


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 13, 2005 8:57 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Apres San Jose.

The next post in this blog is Lake Tahoe.

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