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A New Plan

Being around the water here gave me a new idea. So I traded in the RV and bought a sailboat. What do you think? Don't worry, I have a life jacket for Abbey, and she's not allowed to walk too much right now anyways.

It'll change my plans to visit a lot of the national parks and forests , but I'm sure the scenery will still be great.

OK, I probably haven't fooled anyone. The boat is Dennis'. He needed us to hoist him up the mast to make a few repairs.
He bought an old boat at an auction with a partner and they're working on making it seaworthy. Should be ready soon. For our troubles they brought us a great lunch.

Comments (3)


You fooled me! But then I'm a sailor at heart, so I was hoping it was true. It would mean you'd have to sail through the Panama Canal to come visit us in Florida.


You had me worried a little bit for a while bro. sounds like you are having the life of Riley.


Does this mean selling the RV for a sailboat is out of the question. I just saw a Jacques Cousteau marathon and I'm ready to join you and Abbey for a trip into "zee briny deep".
Abbey avais sa costume de la sous-mer, non?
Bon Chance, mon ami.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 5, 2005 10:57 AM.

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