June 2008 Archives
One confusing part of upgrading to MT4 is all that all the new templates and my old templates end up all mixed together. I created a "Temp41" blog from scratch just to have a reference set of code to help sort out the mess.
I missed that the javascript template is now "mt.js" instead of "mt-site.js" and that both were still being generated. Since this is where I store the CCode/TCode javascript (anti-spam), it was important to retire mt-site.js and get the obfuscator function into mt.js.
CCode and TCode works in before saving spam feedbacks to MT system. CCode/TCode makes it very difficult for spam-bots to guess tb URL and the required ct input fields. Target ct/tb URLs to send spams are calcuated from unrevealed entry/trackback data and obfuscated by Javascript.
Steps to install CCode/TCode in MT4 (vs. MT3.)
- Download MT4 version.
- Remove old plug-in code and add new plug-in code in MT system.
- Place obfuscator.js code into: mt.js template:
mt41:default_templates:javascript.mtml - Refresh mt.js in each blog to bring it in.
- Install the tag into the Comments Form template. This is an improvement because the new sub-template approach means only updating one sub-template vs. multiple templates under MT3. Put it under this line:
<input type="hidden" name="entry_id" value="<$MTEntryID$>" />
<$MTEntryCCode$> - Republish individual archives.
Exact settings to allow SMTP inbound Internet Site document to work. (The host name will need to go to i.p. with R7.)
Descriptive name for this site: SMTP
Organization: FiveForks
Host names or addresses mapped to this site: gandalf.netcentrix.net
Domino servers that host this site: *
The contents (text) of mac5 are all stored in a MySQL database. I use a script called AutoMySQLBackup to run daily, weekly, and monthly backups of the contents. These "dumps" are then copied over every night by Retrospect to a backup server (currently Mac17's external Seagate drive.)
I routinely check these to make sure they are running by inspecting the contents of a recent dump. I noticed in the monthly set that besides "fivefor1_mtfiveforks" was another database "mysql". Went on a wild goose chase looking under the /etc/periodic/monthly script and couldn't even find AutoMySQLBackup. Turns out the monthly (and weekly) runs are all addressed in a single daily script under /etc/periodic/daily. Oh. Right. Set it up 3 years ago... who can remember.
Turns out I had not noticed an extra "advanced" setting that had a default database "mysql" in it, and so I was backing up a default, empty database every day for the past several years. Not much space, and easy enough to correct. While there decided I should add the gallery2 database (which holds photo titles, descriptions, and comments.)
So on OZ in
HD2:private:etc:periodic:daily:automysqlbackup.sh are two lines:
DBNAMES="fivefor1_mtfiveforks gallery2"
MDBNAMES="fivefor1_mtfiveforks gallery2" <-under advanced settings
This entry is being created with Movable Type 4.1 4.01. (We've upgraded.) I did a test of this no a second computer, and it all went pretty well. Off to find what's broken...
Update: I used an old download and did not realize I upgraded to 4.01 instead of 4.1. No wonder I couldn't find several features I thought were supposed to be in the system (like Global Templates.)
In case you can't get to e-mail, your clue is next to the most recent "combination" we created:
331 n / s
543 c * y
231 n / 5
127 n + 6
457 n = 2
982 c + f
153 n - d