Recently in Mobile Category

Verizon sent met a notice with a letter and flyer explaining how important it was for them to gather and share Customer Proprietary Network Information, and how if I did not "opt-out" within 30 days, I would in effect be consenting for them to do this.

What it really means is they want to sell personal information like what numbers I call, where I drive and travel, and how frequently I use the network, and they don't want to get in trouble for sharing it... whether on purpose or by accident.

Read more about it at the FCC here.

I called the opt-out number at Verizon and disabled sharing of CPNI for all numbers on my account (including Ted's.) Call 800-333-9956 if you use Verizon and want to protect your information.

So this adds to the growing list of reasons I don't like Verizon.

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