Reset Mac
An article on solving a display problem.
An article on resetting power management.
- Turn off the computer
- Hold down Option+Command+P+R and turn on the computer. This is the parameter RAM reset key combination.
- You will hear the Mac "ding." Continue to hold down this key combination until you hear four "ding" sounds. This zaps the PRAM
- Immediately after the fourth "ding," hold down Option+Command+O+F to boot into open firmware.
- Type the reset-nvram and hit return, then type reset-all and hit return.
- Now, hold down Commad-Option-S to boot into the command line in single-user mode
- Type fsck -y and hit return. This will run a file system check. My check resulted in two errors in the multi-linked files.
- If you get any sort of error, keep running fsck -y until the check returns no errors on the volume. If you see everything is OK, proceed to the next step.
iBook (16 VRAM), iBook (14.1 LCD 16 VRAM) ,iBook (14.1 LCD 32 VRAM), iBook (32 VRAM), and iBook (Opaque 16 VRA M), iBook (Early 2003), iBook (800 MHz 32 VRAM), iBook (900 MHz 32 VRAM), iBook (14.1 LCD 900 MHz 32 VRAM )
For iBook (16 VRAM) computers and later models of iBook, there is no physical reset button.
- If the computer is on, turn it off.
- Reset the power manager by simultaneously pressing and then releasing Shift-Control-Option-power on the keyboard. Do not press the fn (Function) key while using this combination of keystrokes.
- Wait 5 seconds.
- Press the power button to restart the iBook computer.
Posted by Jeb at August 24, 2003 10:01 AM