July 2007 Archives

Gallery Installed on Mac5

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Installed Gallery 2.2 on Mac5. It is different software than MovableType (our blogging software) so it requires a separate login (on main Gallery page.)

There is a link to the main page at the top-right of Mac5. And then I put links to specific albums using the word "Photos" next to the blog summaries. It takes a bit to get used to. Mom and I experimented tonight, and she was able to get some Las Vegas photos uploaded.

Quick Directions:
1. Put several photos in a folder on your desktop. When exporting them from your photo editor, choose a maximum width of 1000 pixels. The goal is to keep each photo under 2 MB.
2. Login (on main Gallery page.) Your album will hold albums. (And those albums will hold photos.)
4. Create a new album and name the directory without spaces: Ex: LasVegas2007
5. The title of the album can have spaces. Ex: Las Vegas 2007
6. Choose "Add items".
7. Use the "Upload Applet" and answer "yes" about trusting it.
8. Drag the folder from your desktop created in step 1 into the empty Upload List window. The Upload List will fill up with a list of your photos.
9. Click on the "Upload" button and go have some coffee.

Once uploaded, you can rename your photos, add comments, and rearrange them.

Buy the Album "Alice" by Tom Waits

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(I'm testing my new iTunes affiliates account where I get commission if I recommend music. So don't really buy this album, unless you like Tom Waits. I have this one and it is one of my favorites.)

Buy music through iTunes? Click here:

Tom Waits - Alice

VW Passat Log

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Google docs lets you create word documents, spreadsheets, and now charts and presentations using only a browser. You need a Google account (as in a gmail account.) I use it to keep a record of the bills I pay each month (so I have confirmation numbers, dates, amounts.) The two advantages are:
1) I can pay bills from any computer and record my transactions each month, and
2) the copy/paste of the transaction confirmations works better than copy/paste into a regular spreadsheet or word processor. (I guess because Google docs are web based.)

I decided to keep a log of my VW transactions including gas, maintenance, etc. Using Google docs. You have the option to publish the documents and / or share them with other Google account users, even allowing them to edit. The link here is to a read-only page: Link to VW Log.

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